Wider Question Container and wider statements | XM Community
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Dear Qualtrics Community,

I am using qualtrics for the first time, to make a large-scale survey for my PhD. 
Does anyone know how to adjust the question container width for a single question? I have looked at several qualtrics forums, but have not yet found code that fits my layout See for the specific question: https://fmru.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0ptR6A9paSwKGAC.


Thanks in advance for your response! 


@xanne Add this in Look&Feel → Style → CustomCSS

.Skin .QuestionOuter.Matrix {
max-width: 1200px !important;

Hope this helps

Hi Thanks @dxconnamnguyen ! Unfortunately, this doesn't change it. :(

Hi Thanks @dxconnamnguyen ! Unfortunately, this doesn't change it. :(

@xanne It surely did the job on my side, did you add it in right at Custom CSS editor?


hi @dxconnamnguyen ! It now works! I quess I did not apply it correctly! Thanks so much for your response! :)

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