Need a widget/report/dashboard-page showing sent/received 360-surveys | XM Community
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Need a widget/report/dashboard-page showing sent/received 360-surveys


There is data (available somewhere) to support this but I can’t find it/have restricted access/something.

My participants’ leaders want status reports that include Subject-identifier, how many nominations were sent and how many received by relationship-type.  See attached file for the desired display.

I’ve been manipulating the exported data to create the following in excel but it should be possible within the 360-platform as all the information is available -- nominations sent is part of the upload/relationships of the subject-detail, and there’s even a widget-filter for “nominations sent” in the dashboard builder (that doesn’t work -- it only returns completed responses).  The # SENT data (used to initialize the 360-program) is from the upload files (we currently do not allow subjects to add/modify their evaluators)

I would be forever grateful if someone out there has figured out how to do this inside Q-360.

In dashboards, I can create parts of the chart with a page-filter of relationship-type but that means a separate page for each relationship -- AND the widget is still not displaying the #-sent.

If I could filter by relationship-type at the widget-level (not the page) I could at least see all of them simultaneously on one display, but that’s still kluge-y.  


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