Released On Or Before December 6, 2023
Core XM
- Simple Layout: The Side by Side and Video Response question types are now compatible with the simple layout.
- Journeys in Customer Experience Programs: It’s now easier than ever to track a customer’s journey milestones across your CX program.
CX Dashboards
- Data Models: Introducing a new way to map dashboard data. The data modeler has all the same abilities plus more, including allowing you to map multiple kinds of sources (surveys, contacts, tickets) to the same dataset, and the ability to join data. This update is not yet replacing, but in addition to the old data mapper.
- Data Page: You can now reuse datasets across dashboards and view all of your dashboard datasets in one place. Sharing datasets makes edits easier across matching dashboards and improves dashboard performance.
- Centralized Ticket Reporting: With the data modeler, survey data and ticketing data can be combined into one page and used in the same widgets, allowing for more dynamic dashboard visualizations.
- The data modeler, Data page, and all related features will be gradually rolling out to customers between November 29, 2023 and January 24, 2024.
- Benchmark Editor Updates: You can now find benchmarks that are relevant to your dashboard by viewing recommended Qualtrics benchmarks that are similar to the questions in your dashboard, if any exist. This reduces the configuration time required for setting up benchmarks.
- Dashboard Data Freshness: You can display a dashboard’s data freshness, helping your users understand how relevant and how accurate the data they see is. Compatible with all dashboard types.
Dashboard Updates (CX | EX): This update allows for more effective dashboard storytelling by allowing you to create widget groups, add dividers to dashboard pages, enable borders on individual widgets, and disable the widget header on individual widgets.
- Line and Bar Widgets: Horizontal bar, vertical bar, and line widgets now support historical comparison. This feature is available in all dashboard types.
- Translating Dashboard Labels: It’s now easier than ever to upload partial label translations to a dashboard. This change is available to all dashboard types, including CX & EX.
- Dashboard Confidentially Volume Thresholds (Beta): Account Owners and Administrators can now set a minimum number of documents for data to show in a widget, preventing users from identifying the authors of the documents.
- Groups Updates: You can now search by user first name and last name when creating or editing a group. This offers more flexibility when searching for users and is consistent with the search experience for other Discover features.
- Period Over Period Comparison Updates: You can now view period over period comparison data points chronologically in bar and column charts. The comparison period shows prior to the current period.
Employee XM
- High Performance Benchmark: This benchmark under EX Engagement Benchmarks lets you compare against high-performing organizations.
- View Results (Manager Assist): Dashboards can be searched for and starred in the view results tab, making it easier to find results and highlight relevant dashboards.
- Location Directories: You can now import CSV and TSV files directly to a location directory. This is used in both reputation management and location selectors.
- Developer Portal: When creating a custom extension using the developer portal, you can now use OAuth scopes to access Qualtrics user and brand data via the Qualtrics API.
Text iQ
Topic Version History: New topic version history contains up to 10 previously published topic versions. Versions can be restored and published. This feature will begin gradually rolling out on November 29, 2023. All customers will have the feature enabled by December 14.
XM Directory
- Merging Existing Contacts with Embedded Data: You can now merge existing contacts by embedded data fields within Directory settings.
Extract Data from Snowflake Task: New task for ETL workflows. You can use this task to export data from Snowflake to use in your Qualtrics workflows, surveys, and dashboards.

Starting On & After December 13, 2023
Web / App Insights
- Session Replay Masking: Additional optional have been added to session replay masking, enabling more granular control over what data is hidden in session replays.

Disclaimer: The content provided on this webpage is for informational purposes only and is subject to change at any time. Qualtrics may, in its sole discretion and without liability, change the timing of any product feature rollout, change the functionality for any in preview or in development product feature, or choose not to release a product feature or functionality for any reason or for no reason.
If you have any questions about the product updates featured in this list, our support team is happy to help you with your request.
If you have questions about what’s on the product roadmap, please see our Product Roadmap page. If you’d like to contribute to the product roadmap, please visit the Product Ideas category.
You can provide feedback on the Monthly Product Release Notes here.