Delete users API saying user not found? | XM Community
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Delete users API saying user not found?

  • March 5, 2025
  • 1 reply


Hello, I’m trying to remove users that have accounts in Qualtrics but have either never logged in or haven’t logged in for over a year.  I pulled a list of users from the User Admin section of my dashboard setup.  This showed me their last login date but it did not have their userId.


So I used the “List User” function of the API to pull a list of all my users into a CSV file that does have their userId and then did a vlookup against the export from the dashboard above.  So with these two files I was able to make a list of users that I wanted to delete that has their userId.


Now I want to use the CSV file with the API to delete the users.  The only column in my CSV file is called userId and the user ID’s are listed beneath.  The problem I’m having is that it’s returning a message saying that the user is not found:


{"meta":{"requestId":"72375b15-4e33-4441-aa09-7b66ba723968","httpStatus":"404 - Not Found","error":{"errorCode":"DU_3","errorMessage":"User not found."}}}
User details: {'userId': 'userIdfromcsv'}

The userIdfromcsv value above is the actual user ID from my CSV file, I just didn’t want to put the actual user ID up here.


If I take that same user ID and search for it in the Users section of the web Admin console, it brings up the user with no problem.  So I know the user ID is correct, I’m just not sure why the API is saying it cannot find the user.  Anyone have any experience with it that might be able to help?

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QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • QPN Level 4 ●●●●
  • 92 replies
  • March 13, 2025

Hi ​@jmcclung,


Which API are you using?

This one?

Or did you just download from the admin interface?

Note that there are 2 overall id’s for the users in Qualtrics.

Unique Indentifier that you see here:


And then a more internal id that Qualtrics use which you will see in the job’s etc, and it typically starts with UR_….. and this is NOT the one you can use for the deletion.

Instead try to run an export from your directory, to get the UniqueID, and then maybe compine it with the csv you downloaded earlier to find the correct ID’s.



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