.txt import file tags | XM Community
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.txt import file tags


I have a .txt file I created from an excel spreadsheet.  I found a list of tags to use when specifying the types of questions, answers, and so on.  Is there a tag for the Matrix type?  The [[Question:Matrix]] defaults to the Likert type Matrix table.  I would like to specify Text Entry.  Is there a tag for this or coding to use?  I have 100 type Matrix type questions.  Below are example of tags I have tried that did not work























3 replies

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • January 15, 2025

I’m not sure about the text format, but if I was in your place, this is what I would do.

  1. Create one base question in the format that I want
  2. Download the QSF
  3. Open the QSF in any JSON editor
  4. Repeat the question, change the text and QID.
  5. Upload the QSF as a new survey.

  • Author
  • 2 replies
  • January 15, 2025

Thank you ahmedA!  Let me expand on the initial question.  For the 100 Matrix type questions, each question text is unique and each of the 11 statements is also unique Different for each matrix type question).  Below is an image of the question:

Would you still recommend the above solution?

  • Level 7 ●●●●●●●
  • 2028 replies
  • January 15, 2025

Yes. Open it in a text editor that can read JSON files, for example VSCode.

Set the language to JSON:


Then press  ctrl+shift+p. This will open up the command palette.

Type in format and select format document.

Then scroll down to search for your question. I suggest adding some unique text, so that you can find it using ctrl+f

You just need to edit and repeat the entire question block.

If there’s any confusion, create another QSF file with 2 or 3 question to see what all you need to repeat.

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