Hi there. I was able to figure out from posts here how to get my first question looking just the way I wanted (different color on hover for 4 of 5 options for multiple choice question) but I am stuck on getting this to apply to the rest of the survey questions.
Below is what I have working for question 1. I tried simply duplicating these lines and updating to the correct QIDs for the additional questions on the survey (not ideal) but that didn’t work at all. Is someone able to help me rework this so that it will automatically apply to all multiple choice questions on my survey? Thanks!!
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label#QID1-0-label.SingleAnswer:hover{
background: #ed6960;
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label#QID1-1-label.SingleAnswer:hover{
background: #f7c1b8;
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label#QID1-3-label.SingleAnswer:hover{
background: #d9ebae;
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer, .Skin label#QID1-4-label.SingleAnswer:hover{
background: #8dd964;