Draft vs Live Surveys | XM Community
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Hi everyone!
I recently took over our Qualtrics account and the previous person that handled it is not longer with our organization, so unfortunately I cannot ask them this question.
When I look at some of our active/live surveys it says "Draft" at the top. It looks like changes were being made, but were never Published.
Can anyone tell me if I am looking at the live survey or the draft version when I Preview it?

Hi ValerieP ,
When you preview a survey, it will show you the latest draft if the live version is not the latest version.

Thank you, MatthewM . Can you tell me how to view the latest version instead of the draft so I can find the differences and determine whether or not to keep/discard the changes on the draft?
I truly appreciate you taking the time to help!

When viewing the survey in Preview mode, use the Tools menu on the upper right, and check the "View published version" option.

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