Piped text of an image by using embedded data by using randomization | XM Community
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Piped text of an image by using embedded data by using randomization


So, I have a field to show a random image, but I only see the url. What can be a possible solution. Using html does not work. Still only image. With html, also shows only the image url. 

Below I show the two steps and the result.

What can be a sollution guys?


Step 1:


Step 2:




4 replies


Hi Bobcar,

I have only part of the solution.

You can show the picture using html.


<img src="${e://Field/Picture_Link1}">


If you want to show different pictures, you need for each URL a different embedded field. 

What I do not know is how you can randomize which picture is displayed.

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5916 replies
  • March 13, 2025


Your randomization is wrong. You need to put each assignment in a separate embedded data block, then randomly present 1 of 4.  The way it is now, you always see the last image assigned.


@TomG ​@Dirk Hansen  Still it does only show a link.



You need to follow ​@TomG guidance.
I built a basic survey following his guidance (with 2 pictures only), and it works as expected.
I hope the screenshots below help you solving your problem.


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