Updating an attribute for some records in a list | XM Community
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Updating an attribute for some records in a list

  • March 18, 2021
  • 1 reply


I'm trying to find an elegant way to update attributes for a subset of the records in a list.
For simplicity, say a list has 100 records with many attributes, one being FriendOrFoe.
I have the reference ID for 20 of those records that I need to add or change the value of FriendOrFoe. Some of the 20 already have the attribute, but some don't, so it would need to be created for them.
Can I create a .csv file with the reference IDs and the value of FriendOrFoe of that list of 20 and "update" the list, without having to export all 100 records and replace the entire list?
I certainly hope the answer is "Sure, and here's how...".

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Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • Level 6 ●●●●●●
  • 1069 replies
  • March 19, 2021

Hi ULandreman ,
You should be able to update a subset of contacts in your email list by following these instructions.
Make sure your csv file includes the ContactID column, and check your list carefully after importing the csv file to make sure the records updated as you expected.

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