Setting up workflows using Text Analytics | XM Community
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Setting up workflows using Text Analytics

  • November 1, 2023
  • 1 reply


Hi everyone!

I was wondering if anyone has used Text Analytics to set up workflows, triggering a ticket/email to be sent if customers leave comments about a particular topic (such as a bad experience), but needed a fair bit of content and follow up options for the ticket that is raised. Basically we want to capture our members who are having a hard time or are talking about leaving the organisation. 

We don’t want to double up on tickets though so is there a way we can check whether a ticket has been raised for a member in say the past 30 days before triggering another one?

I’d love to hear about any experiences you have had with something similar in your organisation, how it worked, what were the challenges, things to consider etc!

Many thanks in advance!

  • Level 5 ●●●●●
  • November 2, 2023

Rather than having workflow emails sent to us for a specific topic category, I set up our workflow to trigger just based on sentiment, so it’s triggered for any negative and mixed sentiment open text response that’s left. We also wanted to make sure that the comments we’re receiving our actionable though, so I also added in logic to have it trigger if “actionability” accoridng to Qualtrics is marked as “response needed.” Having response needed responses triggered rather than all negative responses helped us to not have a doubling up in tickets like you mentioned. 

Maybe if you had an embedded field that says how many times a member has responded to a survey, then, you would be able to create logic to not trigger a workflow if it’s more than 1. I don’t know of an automated way to do that though.  

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