Hi All,
I chose Flatpickr for this as they have a month view (https://github.com/flatpickr/flatpickr/issues/269). I wanted to move the date selected box to below the calendar but couldn't work it out so created a new box and listened to a change event. I find Classes and IDs very confusing! Any feedback on my code would be appreciated!
Look and Feel Header script:
Result:Can anyone advise on free software that would help me move or resize elements better than using the Chome developer tools! Eg. Using jQuery I want to make the up and down arrow buttons bigger with no overlapping.
//first day of this month
var DTtoday = new Date();
var year = new Date().getFullYear(); //getYear() gives a year since 1900, eg 2020 gives 120, very odd!
console.log( year );
var StartOfThisMonth = "'" + Number(DTtoday.getMonth()) + "-1-" + (Number(DTtoday.getFullYear())) + "'"; //format m-d-yyyy
console.log( StartOfThisMonth )
jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").flatpickr({
dateFormat: "m-d-yyyy",
inline: true,
minDate: "'" + (Number(DTtoday.getMonth())+1) + "-1-" + (Number(DTtoday.getFullYear())) + "'", //Month value range is 0-11 so have to add 1
defaultDate: new Date(),
static: true,
altInput: true,
plugins: [
new monthSelectPlugin({
shorthand: true,
dateFormat: "d/m/Y",
altFormat: "F Y",
theme: "material_blue"
//add in custom box
jQuery( "
You've selected:
var Qbd = "input[id='SelectedDateTextBox']";
const monthNames = ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June",
"July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"
//Hide normal inputtext field of question.
jQuery("#" + this.questionId + " .InputText").hide();
// hide navigating arrows due to bug
jQuery(" .flatpickr-prev-month").hide();
jQuery(" .flatpickr-next-month").hide();
jQuery(" .arrowUp").animate({'opacity' : '1'}, 100);
jQuery(" .arrowDown").animate({'opacity' : '1'}, 100);
jQuery(" .arrowDown").css({left: '-36%' , top: '0px'});
// set up listen event that updates SelectedDateTextBox
// jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").on(" change", function() { //this method didn't work
jQuery("input[id='QR~"+this.questionId+"']").on(" change", function() {
//update box
var newdatesplit = (jQuery(this).val()).split( '/' ); // month is middle part
var dd = newdatesplit[0];
var mm = newdatesplit[1];
var y = newdatesplit[2];
var someFormattedDate = monthNames[parseInt(mm)-1] + ' ' + y; //-1 as array starts at 0