How to keep the back button if I need some conditional logic? | XM Community
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How to keep the back button if I need some conditional logic?

  • December 13, 2021
  • 1 reply

  • Level 2 ●●
  • 41 replies

Hi there. I'm having a rough time getting around some of the limitations, and my workarounds seem to be getting more and more complicated. I'm hoping someone can point me in the best direction. Goal: To have a working back button throughout survey, but also some conditional logic, so I have to find a way to do it without any branching or elements between blocks.
Where I started: A survey that begins with a consent form, asks two screening questions, branches based on one screening question (continue with survey form or go to schedule a zoom interview in separate branch), main block of questions, conditional block of questions based on screening question 2, demographic questions, the end.
This setup had 2 branching elements, which meant no back button at all. Because of the population and nature of survey, I need a back button for the survey. I couldn't think of any way to avoid branching for the survey vs interview signup screener, so I tried pulling that whole first section out (consent + screening questions) into a separate survey, with a redirect to the main survey body if they selected continue with web survey, and using embedded data like for a longitudinal survey to carry over their participant ID (randomly generated) and the answers to the consent and screening questions. The problems this created was that now I would have embedded data in the 2nd survey, and also the directions for how to do this make no mention of how to make it work if you don't have an email address/name and are just creating a directory based on embedded data/survey answers.
Decided I was making this way too complicated, and that other people must do surveys like these in one form, so added the first questions back in. Thought about moving appointment scehduling questions to the end and using skip logic if that option was selected, but could skip within block or to final end of survey, no good. Thought about putting the skip logic on the 'continue with web form' option instead, keeping appt setting questions in the beginning with display logic to only show if they chose an interview, but then I'm still stuck with the problem of how to have a different end of survey message for someone who just signed up for an appointment vs someone who filled in the whole web survey. It seems like every possibility results in an element between blocks early on that will mean no back button for the main survey.
Any advice?

Best answer by jinx

Wound up giving up and going with a combination of display logic, skip logic, and having to add in extraneous questions to hang the skip logic on. Frustrating, and adding individualized logic to so many questions took forever but it works.

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  • Author
  • Level 2 ●●
  • 41 replies
  • Answer
  • December 13, 2021

Wound up giving up and going with a combination of display logic, skip logic, and having to add in extraneous questions to hang the skip logic on. Frustrating, and adding individualized logic to so many questions took forever but it works.

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