Not all question results and data analysis displayed | XM Community
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Not all question results and data analysis displayed

  • May 28, 2024
  • 1 reply


I created a survey which I have been collecting responses for, but in the Results and Data & Analysis sections, only data for a few of the survey questions is shown, out of order, and some of them have “unexpected error occurred”. I think maybe this might be happening because I published the survey, had someone fill out a response to test it out, deleted that response, then made some changes before republishing and sending out link for my current respondents. But I’m not sure how to fix this problem and be able to see the data for all of my survey questions.

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Level 3 ●●●
  • Level 3 ●●●
  • 119 replies
  • May 28, 2024

When you export your data, can you see everything you expect to see? 


You can choose which columns display in the “Data & Analysis” section by clicking on “Column chooser” in the top right. I usually just choose a handful of columns that are interesting to me / that I want to get a quick look at - like an open end, or particular segmentation question. Whatever columns you choose (or don’t choose) to view here doesn’t really matter - it won’t impact your underlying data set to view / hide a column here.


Sometimes when  you make a change to your survey and publish the changes, it will take a few minutes for the Data & Analysis tab to update, and you could see a loading message on this screen. That’s pretty normal. The message I often see is something like “your responses are being re-indexed for speedier viewing.” I’d wait a while and come back later to check on it. Sometimes it takes way more than a “few minutes” to load, unfortunately. If it’s been several hours or days, I’d reach out to Qualtrics support.


As for the results tab… I’d probably just manually move the questions around to be in the order you want them. If you’re using the older version of the Results tab, I’d try creating a new default report to see if that has everything in the order you think it should be in. 


The “unexpected error occurred” is another error message I get sometimes in the Results tab, too. It just happens sometimes. I’d try coming back to it at a later time and seeing if Qualtrics has sorted itself out. If it’s still glitching and I need it to work now, I’d try deleting and re-creating that specific visualization / report. To be clear, I’m not saying you need to delete and re-create your entire survey - don’t do that.


In the past, I have had to reach out to Qualtrics support when these errors have not resolved themselves in a few hours/days, and when deleting and re-creating visualizations in the Results tab was not effective.

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