"This Question was not displayed to the respondent" | XM Community
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"This Question was not displayed to the respondent"

Hi Everyone,
I recently closed my fairly large and complex survey (230 questions, multiple questions types, and a unique survey flow) I noticed that when I view individualized responses I have a handful of respondents that have the "This question was not displayed to the respondent" message. The crazy thing is, there is no survey logic (Skip/display), no Branching logic, the survey flow is intact. To add to the confusion its not the same questions that are not being displayed for my survey takers, and sometimes the questions not being displayed are the first question of the block or two of them in the middle of the block.
Now my survey is broken into multiple blocks, with one question per page, and to alleviate the survey taking experience I added a Table of Contents that allows survey takers to navigate quickly to one of the blocks. Using the Table of contents allows me to skip some questions but not all of them. Hoping to find an answer to this one!

8 replies


I am thinking this might be something to do with Randomization in your survey. I would double check that feature.

  • Author
  • 1 reply
  • July 17, 2020

Thanks Chelsey, normally I would agree with you, but unfortunately I don't have any randomization built in. Still thank you!

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5911 replies
  • July 17, 2020

It is probably caused by the Table of Contents and the Jump button.

This issue is happening to my survey too. I have yet to close the survey since I still have another week to collect my data, but I'm already seeing 5 or so out of my 315 responses with this issue. Crazy thing is, none of my questions are randomized and this issue occurs right after my Introduction block even though there aren't any branching / skip display applied to that block either. This issue has caused my whole survey to not appear to the respondents, therefore left completely blank.
Screen Shot 2020-08-11 at 3.29.57 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-08-11 at 3.30.39 PM.png

Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • Level 8 ●●●●●●●●
  • 5911 replies
  • August 11, 2020

hellootiffanyy ,
In your case it is probably in-progress responses that were recorded one week after inactivity (the default). The 5 people never progressed past the Introduction page.

https://www.qualtrics.com/community/discussion/comment/28928#Comment_28928Interesting. Thank you for the insight! I'll give it a look.

  • 1 reply
  • December 9, 2021

The last 5 responses on my survey are incomplete and it says the question wasn't displayed to respondents. Why is this please? I have no limits or anything set to the survey.


  • 4 replies
  • June 1, 2022

This problem may occur if you make changes to an existing survey which randomized some set of questions and then you added some more additional questions. In my case I had randomized the survey for 36 questions. I later added 22 more questions and updated the survey which means I have 58 questions now.
Because my initial survey was randomizing 36 questions, the new survey which now has 58 questions was displaying only 36/58 questions randomly to the respondents. So every new respondent was only shown 36 random questions and the respondent was not able to see the remaining 22 questions.
So I fixed the problem in the "Survey Flow" tap by setting the number now to 58 random questions instead of the old number 36. This fixed the problem of "this question was not displayed to the respondent" for me.
Hope it helps :)

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