I have another question due to my limited code understanding
I am trying to build a survey that is completed by one person, and then follows a workflow and routes to other individuals, each who sign a signature field before the form moves to the next location.
This question was asked and the answer I am trying to build
"create 2 blocks in survey one for employee and one for HR, and for employee append your link with say employee=1 like link?employee=1
For hr use link like retake link?hr=1. Put these 2 blocks in branch logic's with employee=1 and hr=1"
I have made many surveys that just route to one person using the ?Q_R= method.
Taking the retake link and adding wvu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_7apytcoqfpYw6i1?Q_R=${e://Field/ResponseID}&Q_R_DEL=1link?SBA=1
does not seem to be working. I also tried to do it with actions and triggers and couldn't figure out a way to hide the signatures for the future users. I'm sure i just don't understand the code, could someone walk me through this or explain a better way to do this? I have attached my logic as well. !

Thank you for your help and assistance!