Share Text iQ topics and sentiments scores to other dashboards, have a master text iQ setup | XM Community
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Hi All,

We want to have multiple dashboards within the same project but to have the same survey source and text iQ setup for the same questions. It seems that you have to setup the text iQ in every single CX Vocalize dashboard. I would be happy to export the setup as a JSON file and import it but this is a live project and we are making regular changes and tweaks to the text iQ syntax and topics. It would be far much easier, less time consuming and less likely for the incorrect version of the JSON setup file to be used,if you could either auto sync the settings or just share the results from just one dashboards and be able to share the topics and sentiment fields etc.

Is this possible? If not, is there some sort of half way house or has anyone done a feature request for this or something similar that might suffice?

A few years ago, didn't text iQ belong in the Survey part and was then shared like normal fields? Has anyone raised a feature request to bring this or something similar back?


... to give you a bit of context, we have about 15 questions and would like all of these to be used across 5, maybe 10 dashboards all within the same project. The syntax is updated 1-2 time a week and there is (currently) no way to see when the syntax's were last updated so this creates further problems in tracing changes and making sure the latest / same version is in use across all dashboards.
I've just been playing about and can anyone else confirm that if you take a copy of the first dashboard with the text iq in, the charts already setup showing text iq (eg a simple table) continue to display data, but you can't use the Text iq Bubble Chart as that only seems to want to access Topics from the same dashboard. I don't know if the data is live in the simple charts but time will tell.

you can still run textiq from the data and analysis tab. In that case the analysis will be tied to the survey and not to the dashboards. Then you can map the topics and sentiments back in each dashboards, but the ones coming from the survey, and each time you update the set up in the survey textiq it will apply to all the dashboards
Hi Ana,

really?! You can still do this? I must admit I've never tried as was told it was no longer possible. Well in that case it makes sense to keep it to the survey and then simply map it in the settings. Is there any disadvantage? is it going to be redacted?



i am not sure if is something that qualtrics will take from the solution later, but in my account is still possible. I believe is going to stay there as if you don't have CX dashboards, just core xm you can access the basic feature from there
ok, and do you know if there is any differences between the two versions? eg. In CX there are a number of charts that show you the trend of topics over time in the text iq edit section, you can export the syntax's, there are parent topics. Will text iq from core work with the text iq bubble widget? Anything else?



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