Code to lock/fix an image question to the top of a page | XM Community
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Hi - I am looking to fix an image to the top of a question, so that when you scroll down through a number of questions on the screen the image is still present at the top and can be rated easily without having to scroll up and down.

Hope someone can help 🙂
you can add in theme.
Sorry I may not have been clear enough- there is a different image for each question so having it as a theme throughout will not solve. Thank you for the suggestion though
In that case you have to add image or banner along with question text.
> @ncc42 said:

> Sorry I may not have been clear enough- there is a different image for each question so having it as a theme throughout will not solve. Thank you for the suggestion though

Hey @ncc42 ,

Just to be clear. Does this mean there will be one common image for set of questions which should be on top through out till the end of that set?
You can try @AnthonyR's solution here:

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