Hi Everyone,
When creating hidden questions, I used the rich content editor to include bullet points and highlights. However, as shown in the images below, this is not reflected in the preview.
May I know how can I resolve this issue?
Thank you for your assistance!
Best answer by NiC
Hi @Soon
The code you are trying should work and if it is not reflecting in preview try
1) Refreshing your browser
2) log out of your account and login again
3) you can try clearing cache of your browser or opening it in incognito mode
4) finally if all this does not work try the following code
Q1) Women should be obligated to complete national service.
<li>Strongly approve</li>
<li><mark style=" background-color: yellow;color: black;">Moderately approve</mark></li>
<li>Slightly approve</li>
<li>Slightly disapprove</li>
<li>Moderately disapprove</li>
<li>Strongly disapprove</li>
Use HTML ad text like below in html viewer
~~Q1) Women should be obligated to complete national service.</br>
<li>Strongly approve</li>
<li>Moderately approve</li>
<li>Slightly approve</li>
<li>Slightly disapprove</li>
<li>Moderately disapprove</li>
<li>Strongly disapprove</li>
Here is code like:
Q1) Women should be obligated to complete national service.</br>
<li>Strongly approve</li>
<li>Moderately approve</li>
<li>Slightly approve</li>
<li>Slightly disapprove</li>
<li>Moderately disapprove</li>
<li>Strongly disapprove</li>
code seem correct remove below:-
1) first line complete <div to div>
2.) from secon line remove ~~
3.) last line remove ~~
save n preview after publish and use publish version in preview.
Hi bansalpeeyush29,
There is still something wrong with my code. As shown in the image below, I still do not see the highlighted colour in my survey preview.
May I know where is the mistake? Could it be because I am using a free trial?
Hi @Soon
The code you are trying should work and if it is not reflecting in preview try
1) Refreshing your browser
2) log out of your account and login again
3) you can try clearing cache of your browser or opening it in incognito mode
4) finally if all this does not work try the following code
Q1) Women should be obligated to complete national service.
<li>Strongly approve</li>
<li><mark style=" background-color: yellow;color: black;">Moderately approve</mark></li>
<li>Slightly approve</li>
<li>Slightly disapprove</li>
<li>Moderately disapprove</li>
<li>Strongly disapprove</li>
Hey @Soon! It looks like you have a qtrial account, which does not have the HTML markup permission enabled. Check out this page for our upgrade plans, or feel free to reach out to our sales team!