XM Community Overview & Benefits | XM Community
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XM Community Overview & Benefits

XM Community Overview & Benefits

The Qualtrics XM Community: A must-have tool for your XM toolkit

Becoming a member of the XM Community is free and allows you to take advantage of so many more benefits than simply visiting the Community. It’s free: Log in using your existing Qualtrics credentials, answer a couple of questions about yourself -- and you’re a member! It’s that easy.



Community Events 📍


Becoming a member of the XM Community allows you to access Community events reserved exclusively for XM Community members. “Ask me Anything” sessions with Qualtrics product specialists, invite-only Community roundtable events, virtual XM Scientist coaching, and dedicated XM Institute sessions are all part of your free account on the Community as you level up via our Rank and Rewards program.


Community Programs ⭐️


The XM Community is home to special programs to help you learn and stay engaged with your peers. Community programs include:

  • Getting Started Mondays: Every Monday, read a quick refresher on how to master the ins-and-outs of Qualtrics products. Designed to be a quick, easy, digestible read -- with accompanying resources to solidify your learning
  • Basecamp Wednesdays: Every Wednesday, take a moment to review a featured Basecamp learning video to keep your skills sharp and to stay connected to the latest from our Basecamp team
  • Badge of the Month: Meet your peers around the world by sharing your thoughts on our wildly popular Badge of the Month program (and earn points, too)
  • Rank and Rewards: Earn exclusive merch and access special events by engaging with your fellow Community members and leveling up in our Rank and Rewards program
  • Events Calendar: Browse our global calendar or events 
  • Coming Soon: New programs launching soon include
    • XM Community 2-Minute Tips: A video series featuring quick tips on how to use Qualtrics features and products
    • XM Community Product News: Video news featuring some of the most exciting monthly changes to Qualtrics products
    • XM Communi-TEA Podcast: A new podcast series featuring XM Community members in conversation with Qualtrics’ Head of XM Community, @Michael_Cooksey 


Community Groups 🙋‍♂️


Fact: The Qualtrics XM Community has members on every continent -- even researchers in Antarctica! Groups are a great way to network with XM experts around the globe, as well as Qualtrics staff who post news, updates, and resources regularly. Don’t see a group that suits your needs? Let us know. Join groups in order to have industry or vertical-specific conversations unique to you and your customers and staff.


Product Help ❓


A digital success resource like no other, the Qualtrics XM Community is home to over 13k Qualtrics product solutions, thousands of free custom code solutions, and a member roster of 30k+ Qualtrics experts around the world to help you make the most of your XM program. The Community is “always on” and chances are if you post a question, you will get a reply soon from one of your peer experts. Post questions, get answers, and help your peers by answering questions! Remember, by engaging with your fellow Community members, you earn points and rank up faster -- unlocking rewards for you


Product Updates ⚙️


Subscribe to product updates and never miss any product news. As an XM Community member, you can “follow” Qualtrics staff by clicking the follow button on their profiles, so that you’re always updated on the latest and greatest in Qualtrics product news. Product updates come in the form of weekly and monthly release notes. We want to make sure you’re aware of the most important product news, and you’ll need an XM Community account to stay up-to-date.


Product Ideas 💡


The XM Community Product Ideas category is the only full-time dedicated Qualtrics product feedback channel, and allows you to communicate directly with Qualtrics product managers. Very soon, we will release “Evolve,” our new product feedback page that allows you to track ideas in development, and those on the roadmap. Tentatively scheduled for release June 2023, the Evolve Product Ideas category will feature a Coda table that will allow you to submit ideas directly to Qualtrics product managers, upvote existing ideas, and stay connected to what’s coming. The Evolve concept will offer greater roadmap transparency than previously offered.


Create Your Free XM Community Account Now 🎟


All you need to do is use your existing Qualtrics login credentials to log into the Community. When logging in for the first time, you’ll be prompted to enter brief account details, and then you’re in! 



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