Adding a "Back" button for survey with lots of branching | XM Community
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We are creating a survey with lots of skip logic and branching, and are wondering if anyone has successfully custom-coded a “Back” button to appear for all questions for this kind of survey?

@chphar2023 The Backbutton was disabled for a reason, it prevent the element in between to not be triggered multiple time. If the branching is only for question display you can use display logic and skip logic instead. The backbutton will still be there.

@chphar2023 You can use the 'Table of Contents' option available in the survey flow. With this option, you can easily jump to any block or question without the need to change any logic; you just need to drag the blocks and their survey flow contents under 'Table of Contents.'

@chphar2023 I’ve not seen or can see how custom code for this might work, as you may be aware already back functionality is a known limitation of Qualtrics when using logic between blocks i.e. branching.   So it’s not just about creating or exposing a button.  Anything built here would likely either error out or re-load on the same page.

There is quite a few posts on the community around this if you want to have a look; but there is not a solution at this stage.


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