Can I embed a Python Bokeh Interactive App on my Qualtrics Survey? | XM Community
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I want to run a survey and would like to request from participants to use a Python Bokeh Application that I have created before answering my questions. Is it possible to embed this app on the survey or add a link that directs participants to the application?

In case it helps, embedding a Bokeh app requires either:

* ability to include and run arbitrary script tags (i.e. the one that server_document outputs)

* ability to embed an IFrame (that you can just point to wherever the app is hosted)

Thank you,

Hey @christosalog! Our platform does have the ability to both include and run arbitrary script tags, as well as add an iFrame. These both require specific permissions to be enabled for your account! If you are unsure if you have these permissions enabled, you can reach out to your Brand Administrator!

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