Can't set responses as embedded data with JS from question using carryforward? | XM Community
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Here’s my setup: multiple response question → next page: carryforward selections to a drag and drop ranking question, use JS to set those ranks as embedded data → next page: use embedded data to ask about the top three ranked selections.


I had everything working until I switched the drag and drop question to using the carryforward selections (I had hard coded some dummy responses while I was building/testing). So is it possible to use JS to set embedded data from a question using carryforward? I’m using ‘ChoiceNumericEntryValue’ and ‘ChoiceDescription’ in the JS to set the embedded data. Do I need to use other fields? Should I set the selections from the first question as embedded data and use them in the drag and drop instead of using carryforward? Thanks in advance for any help.

I got this working. This solution got me there. Huge thanks to @Tom_1842! Maybe it wasn’t working because I was setting the embedded data using a subsequent question rather than using the question itself? That part is still a mystery, but I think I’m using a better approach now anyway. Also, just a heads up that this didn’t work with the new Simple layout, so make sure you’re using a different layout.

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