Carry forward same ranking order selected in Pick Group and Rank to display as options to slider bar | XM Community
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I am working on Pick, Group and Rank question type wherein i want to use the selected drag and drop choices in the same rank order as answer options to the following slider bar question. Can someone help me on this? Can we achieve this through Javascript? Can you please share if anyone has already written a code?
What I think you should do is create as many options on the slider as there are in the PGR, essentially covering your bases. Then add Embedded data to each option on the slider that:

If Embedded Data `opt1` = `1` then show

`opt1` will increment for each choice.

Then, add this JS to your PGR and it should work for you:

Note that randomization will ruin this. You could take more time and assign the `options` array by internal ID instead of display order but I think it's not worth the effort.

Working Example:

qsf attached

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