Change the font color of slider labels | XM Community
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Hello, I need to create a survey with blue background and white fonts. I was able to do that for most questions, but for a slider, I could not change the color of labels. Can someone help please? 


Example below. I need to change “never” “sometimes”, etc. into white. 



You could try adding the below CSS to the Style section of the survey’s Look & Feel:

.JFEScope .RTL .Skin .Slider .QuestionBody.q-slider ul li.first, .JFEScope .Skin .Slider .QuestionBody.q-slider ul li, .JFEScope .Skin .Slider .QuestionBody.q-slider ul li.first, .JFEScope .Skin .Slider .QuestionBody.q-slider ul li.last, .Skin .horizontalbar tr.xlabel th {
color: #ffffff !important;


It works! Thank you so much for your help @Tom_1842!! 

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