change "total" text on constant sum question | XM Community
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I'd like to change the text at the bottom of a matrix constant sum question from "Total" to something else. Javscript isn't my forte--how could I do this?

Is Total on the right or bottom?
> @TomG said:

> Is Total on the right or bottom?

It's on the bottom, by scale point. Thanks.
Add this to the addOnload function:


jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .c1:last").html("New Total Label");

> @TomG said:

> Add this to the addOnload function:

> ```

Perfect, thanks very much!
Hi, i have the same problem but the code does not work in my case. I did it in the following way: !

did i make a mistake?
> @_Hannah1073 said:

> Hi, i have the same problem but the code does not work in my case. I did it in the following way: !


> did i make a mistake?


It appears Qualtrics has made a change to the html structure since this question and answer were originally posted. Try this instead:


jQuery("label[for="+this.questionId+"_Total]").html("New Total Label");

Dear Tom, thanks for your help. Unfortunately this one does not work in my case either to override the standard label.

I used: Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnload(function()


jQuery("label[for="+this.questionId+"_Total]").html("New Total Label");


Any clues?

Start a new thread and post _details_ on your specific constant sum question (e.g., settings, image, etc.).
Is there a code to change the total label in a constant sum matrix table with the Total column on the right?
> @YaelC said:

> Is there a code to change the total label in a constant sum matrix table with the Total column on the right?

Start a new thread.

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