Changing size of radio buttons in matrix table only | XM Community
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I used a support page to get numbers in my matrix table radio buttons which is exactly what I wanted (using the javascript below), but the font of the numbers is too big and bumping up against the inside of the bubbles (we are using a static theme). Is there a way to decrease the font size for just the numbers in the bubbles OR increase the size of the radio buttons for just the matrix table? Thank you!

jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" tr.ChoiceRow > td.c4 > label").html("1");

jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" tr.ChoiceRow > td.c5 > label").html("2");

jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" tr.ChoiceRow > td.c6 > label").html("3");
Hello @GretchenF ,

jQuery("#"+ this.questionId +" label.q-radio").css({"width":"2.1em","height":"2.1em"});
where to put this code to reduce bubble size?
> @Rahul said:

> where to put this code to reduce bubble size?

Please see this and add code in the onReady function

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