Create a Q-method grid in Qualtrics? | XM Community
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Hi -- Has anyone created a Q-sort grid in Qualtrics that allows drag-and-drop of ~50 statements into a set of ~11 categories, which allow differing numbers of statements to be entered? Thanks!
You can program drag and drop type ranking question in which u can creates statements on left and categories on right
Thanks! How do you program the categories to require different numbers of statements? And only that many?
In question properties you can set, read below
> @Karen_Akerlof said:

> Thanks! How do you program the categories to require different numbers of statements? And only that many?

There isn't a built-in way to require a different number of statements on a group (i.e. category) basis. You can only set all groups to the same number.

If you need to enforce different numbers for different groups you would have to write JavaScript to restrict it.
Thanks bansalpeeyush29 and TomG ! Writing Javascript is not in my skill set unfortunately. Are there people in the community who can be hired to write Qualtrics Javascript code?
> @Karen_Akerlof said:

> Thanks bansalpeeyush29 and TomG ! Writing Javascript is not in my skill set unfortunately. Are there people in the community who can be hired to write Qualtrics Javascript code?

Yes, we do that. Feel free to send me a private message.

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