"Delay Showing Submit Button" actually auto advances | XM Community
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I’m encountering a glitch on Qualtrics, and I don’t know if this is known, documented, or expected.

Basically, I have a block with 2 questions that are causing me some trouble. 

Question 1: A timing question. I want the “Next” button to appear only after 5 minutes have passed, so I enabled the “Delay showing submit button” under “Timer Settings” and enabled the “Display submit” after 300 seconds (5 minutes). 

Question 2: A text entry question. I want participants of this survey to enter a paragraph(s) of text. 


Here are the issues I’ve been encountering:

  1. The primary issue: I initially set a validation (“text minimum” of 50 characters) for Question 2. It seems like if the 50-character minimum was met, the block would auto advance after 5 minutes even though “Auto advance” under the Timer Settings is disabled. 
  2. It seems like even after disabling ANY validation for the text entry question, the question auto advances after 5 minutes. 

The issues I observed above appeared in Preview mode and when piloting the survey.

Is there a known glitchy interaction between Timing questions and text entry questions within the same block? I’ve tried to search for this but couldn’t find any satisfactory answers. 

Thanks in advance for any help anyone can give me.

Hello @varunathi

It's possible that you turned off "Auto Advance" under the Timing question, but you might have enabled "Auto Advance" in the Look and Feel settings under Motion. Please disable that option and then try again.

Let me know if this helps.

Hello Sachin,

This option was already disabled it seems. However, a coworker just troubleshooted the issue for me, and the survey is working properly now. It seemed that moving this erroneous block in the survey flow and back seems to have fixed it. Still not sure how this occurred in the first place, but I’m glad it works now.


EDIT: Sorry, but it seems like this glitch still persists on my other surveys. I’m not sure what to do anymore.

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