Delaying a question from appearing? | XM Community
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This question was posted and answered in the community page six years ago.  I tried the JavaScript provided by AnthonyR below, but it doesn’t seem to be working for me.  I don’t know if there is something within Qualtrics that has changed in that time frame that wouldn’t allow this to work?  Any ideas?


Is there a way for me to delay a question from appearing? I have a video that I would like the respondent to watch for 30 seconds before a question appears right below it on the same page.


Best answer by AnthonyR

Add the following JavaScript to the question you would like a delayed:



var delayTime = 30000 //This is the time of delay
var that = this;
setTimeout(function(){that.getQuestionContainer().show()}, delayTime);


The timing can be updated by updating the value of delayTime, which is set in milliseconds.

The should be fine. I believe the issue is that the question is not fully loaded and therefore not hidden when you call it from addOnload. Try this:

Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function () {
var delayTime = 30000; //This is the time of delay
var that = this;
setTimeout(function () {
}, delayTime);


Thanks so much!  That still isn’t working.  I must be missing something else as it seems this code should definitely work. 

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