Detailed Report Dependent on Participant's Prior Responses? | XM Community
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Hi Everyone,

I am completely new to Qualtrics and am trying to create a 12 item questionnaire with a 6-point scale. The challenge I am facing is this: After participants completed the questionnaire, I intend to present them with a report on what their "partner" (actually a programme) has indicated for each of the items on the same questionnaire.

In the similarity condition, this report will show that the partner's responses are similar to the participant's. This report will show that all of the partner's responses are only 1 point away from what was indicated by the participant and are on the same side of the scale. For example, let 1 be "completely disagree" and 6 be "completely agree". If the participant chose a 5 on an item, then the subsequent report will show that the partner chose either a 4 or a 6 for the same item.

In the dissimilar condition, the report will show that the partner's responses are dissimilar from that of the participant's. This report will show that all of the partner's responses are 3 points away from what was indicated by the participant and are on the opposite side of the scale. For example, if the participant chose a 3 on an item, then the report will show that the partner chose a 6 for the same item.

May I know if this can be accomplished with Qualtrics and if so, how I could go about pulling this off?

Thank you all in advance. I fully appreciate any help that is offered!
@Soon , Just checking where are you capturing partner ratings.

I don't plan to capture partner ratings. This "partner" does not exist and is auto-generating "responses" based on the responses of actual participants.

The issue I am facing is whether it is possible to create such auto-generated responses.
you can calculate ther ratings by creating embedded data variables in survey flow and applying math operations.

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