Dynamic Table with Dependents | XM Community
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Hi all,

I'm trying to create a table where respondents rank their 4 most important features (1-4). However, I want them to make their selections from a Dynamic 4x4 table with Restrictions (Dependents). The Restrictions (Dependents) would be row based. See attached document. For example, if a respondent selects 5 meters for Spatial as the most important feature to them, they cannot select any other feature from that row for the 2-4 rankings. If they select 60 meters Thermal as the second most important feature to them, the remaining features in that row would not be allowed for rankings 3 and 4. Respondents are Ranking 1-4 from a Dynamic Table with Restrictions (Dependents). I'm flexible on how this might work...as long as those guidelines are incorporated. I know that the general features of Qualtrics does not allow this, but I think it is possible with JavaScript. Unfortunately, I do not know how to do this...Please Help!!!
Are you doing a conjoint analysis?
We are doing a stated choice, but I have that one figured out by using a contact list with all the attributes and levels assigned via the contact list. This table is a bit different because we want them to view all attributes and levels. The hard part is restricting certain features as they rank the attributes/levels. So...as they pick a ranking 1-4, I want features to disappear. I don't think there is a way to do this via a contact list like our stated choice question?
Hey @Cris! Although I do recognize you were hoping for a custom code solution, there are a few options I can think of to help you get started without using custom code! If you have any questions, please reach out to our wonderful Support Team!

1. Use a Drill Down Question type.

2. Use Display Logic to display different versions of your Dynamic Table based on what the respondent selects.

3. Use Custom Validation and make logic set for when the respondent can proceed past the question.

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