End Of Survey/Survey Termination Delay | XM Community
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I currently have one survey made by an prior coworker that upon completion displays a Survey Termination message (e.g. Thank you for completing this form) and then stays there for around 5 seconds before the survey refreshes and starts over again. Inside the Survey Options and Survey Flow, the Survey Termination does not show any alterations to the options.

I would like to apply this to a newer form I'm making but I cannot seem to find any coding, scripts, or Qualtrics options that enable me to do this.

Simply making a redirect URL refreshes the page instantly and I would like to avoid that.
Hello @BraedonL ,

For specific End of Survey - While creating custom End of Survey message paste the below code in the "<>" source view of the message editor

`<script> setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = "YOUR_SURVEY_URL"; }, 5000); </script>`

For all end End of Survey in Survey Flow - Paste the below code in the header(edit) -> "<>" source view


Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {


setTimeout(function(){ window.location.href = "YOUR_SURVEY_URL"; }, 5000); }



Is there anyway to set up a redirect to a webpage after the end of survey message times out? I would like for my end of survey message to display for 5 seconds, then return to the beginning of the survey.

Your code worked but I just get a white screen after the message goes away.
did you ever solve this?
Hi there!

I am trying to achieve a delay before redirect as well, I ended up adding a META tag at the end of the source code in the end of survey message. When I preview the message it redirects just fine, but on the published survey it does not redirect???

code used:

<! meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5;url=https://SURVEY_URL">

Is there a work around for this?

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