Fill leftmost column of a matrix table text entry question with piped text and make read-only? | XM Community
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I have a matrix table text entry question with 7 statements and 2 scale points. I want the leftmost column of text entry boxes to be filled with the piped text from a previous question, and to be made read-only so that the text cannot be edited. Each text box starting at the top, and ending at the bottom of the column, should be filled with piped text (response) from an earlier question. Is this possible with Javascript?
There is a really good thread here by @Samarth that details out modifying a matrix table with text. In his example he is using it to drop in static text into the middle columns of the matrix table, but you can alter his example to replace out the first column.

To pull in the responses from a previous question for the text you will need to set them to embedded data, then you can pipe in the embedded fields directly into your javascript using the standard string used throughout the product ${e://Field/YourEmbeddedFieldName}
@Rich_Boits_Walker Thank you! I did some searching before posting my question but I didn't come across that thread. Thank you for the help, this looks like it's exactly what I was looking for.

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