Hidding Powered by Qualtrics - Custom code doesn't work with simple layout | XM Community
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I have an issue with the code for hidding “Powered by Qualtrics”. It doesn’t work with the simple layout.

<script src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnReady(function() {
jQuery('#Plug').attr('style', 'display:none !important');

I tried to call sur jquery library before it but still not working.

Thanks for your help

Just wanted to leave a note here in commiseration - I have also been unsuccessful in calling the jquery library into the header 😑

Here is the code you have to put in the header of your survey for loading JQuery with simple layout :

<script src = "https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

Instead of change the parameters of #plug with jQuery, you can use a CSS personnalised code :

#plug {
display: none;

 Hope it help,


Hey Jonas - truly appreciate the help, but I got the following error in the web console when adding that code to the survey header:

 Error] Error executing custom js:
ReferenceError: Can't find variable: jQuery
(anonymous function) — SV_1FYIXoWeXj7epU2:9
(anonymous function) — main.2c731849.js:1:30467
fe — main.2c731849.js:1:30448
(anonymous function) — main.2c731849.js:1:137009
s — main.2c731849.js:1:136988
(anonymous function) — main.2c731849.js:1:75030
f — 9902.0c33c754.js:1:98000
(anonymous function) — 9902.0c33c754.js:1:97785
s — 4414.d8e4790e.js:1:240728
    (anonymous function) (main.2c731849.js:1:30492)
    fe (main.2c731849.js:1:30448)
    (anonymous function) (main.2c731849.js:1:137009)
    s (main.2c731849.js:1:136988)
    (anonymous function) (main.2c731849.js:1:75030)
    f (9902.0c33c754.js:1:98000)
    (anonymous function) (9902.0c33c754.js:1:97785)
    s (4414.d8e4790e.js:1:240728)


Also, I thought CSS only deals with presentation? I’m actually trying to use jQuery to limit the number of input characters, which would be a functional restriction.

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