How can I efficiently bypass the row limit on Drill Down questions? | XM Community
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I'll admit it's a pretty naive question, but I've inherited a survey that has Drill Downthat asks for people to select their organization from a list filtering by state, city, then organization.

Right now, the list has almost 150,000 entries. A few years ago the survey team was able to develop some JS that gets around the row limit. I simply don't understand how it works, and we've found that

1. It's really slow and

2. It doesn't work reliably on mobile.

I'm wondering if anyone has any thoughts about how to get around the row limit in ways that are really efficient and effective. I can share snippets of the code if it's useful, but from my rudimentary understanding, it essentially takes a CSV that we upload to our library and creates and array and then JSON to load into the Drill Down. I don't know enough about how it works to figure out if it's as efficient as it could be or if there's a better way.
It is probably slow because it has to read and parse the entire csv into the browser's memory.

Most likely, it would be more efficient if you moved it to a web based database, then used ajax to get only the data you need. Since everyone needs states and states don't change, you could store those in an object in your question's JS. Then when someone selects a state do an ajax call (to a web based script you write) that returns just the cities for the state selected. When a city is selected, do the same thing to get just the organizations in the city selected.
Hi Tom,

Are there instructions for setting up the web-based data base for a large list I would like to use for a drop down, and how to integrate it into the qualtrics question?
> @EdResearch said:

> Hi Tom,

> Are there instructions for setting up the web-based data base for a large list I would like to use for a drop down, and how to integrate it into the qualtrics question?

Here is an example that demonstrates the general process. It is not specific to Qualtrics.

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