How do I translate embedded data? | XM Community
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My team and I are conducting a survey in 6 languages. One of the biggest challenges we have faced is the inability to set embedded data to automatically translate based on the language the respondent selects at the top of the survey. 


For example, we’re running a small conjoint experiment within the survey, and thus need to randomize embedded data to appear within a table. It would make it easier in analysis to have all of the translations set within the survey and let the whole thing export to english, but I am struggling to think of a way to do it.


Has anyone else come up with a solution for this problem?

Language selector will not change the content of the Embedded the appropriate language. 


  1. Use MCQ question and put the English text of the conjoint choices in the choice list and add timer or JS to hide this question for respondent.
  1. In the conjoint exercise, pipe the choice description of the MCQ, for ex: ${q://QID35/ChoiceDescription/1}, ${q://QID35/ChoiceDescription/2}, ${q://QID35/ChoiceDescription/3}.

In the translation section, these MCQ will appear. You can update the translations, and the same will be displayed while changing the languages in the survey link.

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