How do you get a number to dynamically change in constant sum answer box? | XM Community
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The Qualitrics support team confirmed that there is no built-in way to have a number dynamically change in a constant sum answer box, however, he was told by the support team that is can be done using custom Javascript. Unfortunately, the team is unable to assist with custom coding. Anyone have knowledge of how this is done?
Yes, you would use an event handler function. You'll need to provide more details if you want a more specific answer.
Hi TomG. In my survey, I'm asking participants to allocate a total of 100 points to a series of options, assigning more points to the options that are most relevant. I don't want people having to calculate in their heads how many points they've allocated. I want to number to dynamically change as the points are allocated to the relevant options. Do you have more information I could use? The the event handler function part of Qualtrics or Javascript?
Event handlers are part of JavaScript.

Maybe you don't need to do it with code. If you click the Show Total box, Qualtrics will show the total points allocated.

If you want to display the unallocated points (100 - total), you would add 'blur' event handler functions to the input fields to update the displayed unallocated points.
Thanks TomG! I'll give it a try.

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