How to autoplay library song file in a qualtrics survey ? | XM Community
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I would like to autoplay a song file from my qualtrics library in my survey, but I don't know how to do this.

If someone have an idea, it will be very useful. I have to play an alerte song simultaneously to the end of the chronometer to prevent participants.

Thank you !
Hello @Shablbl ,

Refer the link and use it in Rich content Editor -> source(<>) of question

To autoplay you can use below code:

`<embed src="source url" type="audio/*" width="180" height="90" loop="false" autostart="true" hidden="true" />`

To play audio after your chronometer(what chronometer are you using?) then add following line to the chronometer end event in the js of question (if yor are using audio tag to play audio not embed tag)

` jQuery("audio").play();`

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