How to create auto-advance for a page that has a Youtube video? | XM Community
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I am trying to create a block which has 2 questions:

1. Youtube Video

2. Question

How do I set the video page to auto-advance to the question page when the video is done playing? I understand that I can create a timer to the video question so it'll switch after the allocated seconds. However, I'm concerned that the video will take awhile to load and the participants might not have sufficient time to finish watching the video before the page switches. Would appreciate if someone has an alternative solution for this.

In addition, does anyone have any other suggestions to automatically start a Youtube video? I've tried adding "?autoplay=1" to the end of the URL, as proposed by this thread. However, the video fails to auto-play when the survey is activated. It seems to only work in the draft mode.
@yhnah , Please check below post
Hello @yhnah ,

Also check this post

The above link will also give the method of auto advance if your youtube video is not embedded from youtube, i.e it's url is just pasted in the source.

OR you have just add video tag in the question with url other than youtube.

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