How to fix the width of matrix tables so that the spaces between the scale points are identical? | XM Community
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How to fix the width of matrix tables so that the spaces between the scale points are identical?

  • October 25, 2021
  • 0 replies

Dear all,
I am completely new to Qualtrics. When looking at the preview of my survey, I realized that the columns from my matrix table (9 scale points + statements, which are quite long) are not the same width. For the purpose of our study, it is extremely important that the distance between the answer points are identical. I already tried to fix it by allowing the long words in our text to break on syllables using th ­ entity (but some words can't be cut and are unfortunately too long) and by reducing the padding of our column headers cells (but it's not enough and I can't reduce it too much, writing too small would be a problem as we work with elderly people). And we are also limited because the whole table, so all the answer options, must appear on the screen for avoiding to force participants to scroll left or right (we were able to fix this with a CSS code). It is also not possible for us to choose the options "position text above" or to rotate our column header text. So I wonder if it is possible to use the Costum CSS in the Look&Feel section. I don't know a lot about CSS code, it's the first time I'm using it. I've already searched in this forum for a a pre-written code that would allow fixing the width of matrix tables, but without success unfortunately.

Therefore, I would really appreciate your help if you have ever had this type of problem and if you know any CSS code that could fix the width of matrix tables.
Thank you very much! I am looking forward to your responses.

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