How to install autoplay and invisible controls video | XM Community
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Hi all,
I am really struggling installing autoplay for a video I copied from one of my other surveys. Also I want my participants to not be able to pause, forward and replay this video. I read a lot of other rubrics already but nothing I try seems to work properly. Currently I am using this code:

This way, the video does start playing automatically when I am editing the survey (also the controls are not visible), but it doesn't work in the preview or the published version.
Did anyone else experience the same thing or can someone help me with this?

Video autoplay is dependent upon browsing settings. The reason why it plays for you, is because you have allowed the domain to play videos. Once you give permission to the site to play the videos by clicking, autoplay will work. Otherwise, most probably not.
The workaround for this is to get people to play a short video a page to 2 before the actual video in which you require autoplay.

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