how to record ambient audio on an Android tablet during a survey | XM Community
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I have a need to record ambient audio in the background at any point in a Qualtrics survey that is being taken on an Android tablet, then have those audio files saved in a way such that they can be connected to their associated survey response. The use case here is I have a team of young field interviewers doing intercept surveys in a public location using Android tablets, and I need to monitor the quality of my interviewers, and basically make sure the interviewers are doing what they are supposed to and not messing around. And, so the interviewers know they are going to be recorded at various points when they are administering each survey to a respondent, but since the interviewers don’t know exactly when they are being recorded, it forces them to always be on their best behavior and use their best interviewing techniques.

Since Qualtrics does not have this feature, I’m wondering if it is possible to come up with a way to use javascript to call on the Android OS’s audio recording feature, which someone described for a different end purpose here:

If anyone has done this before or has any suggestions on how to approach this, I’d appreciate any feedback!
See this thread.

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