How to use display logic to remove an option based on date | XM Community
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I created an application for several trips for students in my program over the span of a few months. The idea is that as an event deadline passes, I want the option to RSVP for it to disappear. Is there a way to do this with display logic? Currently the display logic is based on an ExternalDataReference but that doesn’t seem to work. 

Hi @Em Brace, can share the reference of your External Data Reference setup. We should be able to incorporate date setup in there as well.

I’m not sure I even know how to do that. 

Hi @Em Brace… 


  1. In the flow, Create a variable for the current date:

today=${date://OtherDate/Y/+0 year}-${date://OtherDate/m/+0 month}-${date://OtherDate/d/+0 day}

  1. Create a variable for the deadline


  1. Create Display Logic
    1. In Flow (At Block Level)


    2. At Question Level:


    3. MR Response Level: Same as above

Hope this helps!


@ccalvillo Ok, I think I know how to do this but I’m not sure “where to go” to do this. when you say “in the flow” do you mean in workflow or in the survey flow?

Sorry for the late reply @Em Brace, I meant in the survey flow. Also, it’s important to make sure the date is in the correct format YYYY-MM-DD. Send me a message if you need further help with this and I will continue to check back. 


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