I want to check if the person taking survey has java enabled on his browser or not. | XM Community
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I want to check if the person taking survey has java enabled on his browser or not. If not i dont want them to continue with the survey until they enable it.
Add meta info question in your survey. This is hidden question

Adding this question you will get variable javasupport in your data if it is 1 than java script is enabled.

JavaScript Support: “1” if the respondent had JavaScript enabled on their browser, and “0” if they didn’t.
i tried this but the system is not recording any data
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> Adding this question you will get variable javasupport in your data if it is 1 than java script is enabled.


> JavaScript Support: “1” if the respondent had JavaScript enabled on their browser, and “0” if they didn’t.

Why the system is not recording anything
Have you analyzed and published survey after adding this question.
On taking preview link this question will appear on your screen.
> @bansalpeeyush29 said:

> Have you analyzed and published survey after adding this question.

I added the question in the beginning. Should i move it to another block. As after publishing its still not shows me any data
It should be at beginning. What values it is showing when you are taking preview link.

Can you share screen shot of this question on survey preview.
Hey @KGParadigm! If your Metadata question is not displaying data, I would recommend reaching out to our Support team so they can further troubleshoot this! Once you have this information, you may be able to implement @bansalpeeyush29's recommendation!

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