Incidence based cross tab | XM Community
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I am new to Qualtrics.

I have created some test project and playing with those for analysis.

Today I have created a project where asking 3 questions only. First Q1 Is there any children age below 18 in house hold. Second Q2 How many children age below 18 if coded Yes in Q1. Third Q3 shows a grid to capture age of number of children mentioned in Q2. Now I would like to give a table where the base would be number of children in top break (NOT the number of respondent). Side break is age of children. Please have a look into the data as attached I have captured for 4 respondents so the base (Total) would be 9 (NOT 3 or 4). In side break the count for

Age 1 -> 1

Age 2-> 1

Age 4-> 1

Age 6-> 2

Age 8-> 1

and so on.

Can you please help me to know how can I do it in Cross tab or something else. How can I show the percentage also based on total number of children which is 9 here.

Thanking you,


As suggested in PM, you can use: a simple table in the Reports:


However, I don't know how to put percentages from the total.
Thanks for your kind response. Now I am trying to find the solution to show the value in percentage based on total number of children as well.

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