Inline email questions - don't open a new tab | XM Community

Inline email questions - don't open a new tab

  • 11 November 2017
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 4
I'm using the inline email question for a one question survey. Right now, when someone clicks an option, Qualtrics opens up a new tab and forces them to confirm their answer and hit the next button. Is there any way to automatically record their answer and show them the end of survey message instead?

Best answer by AnthonyR 14 November 2017, 18:13

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Userlevel 7
Badge +7
This could be done fairly easily with some JavaScript to check for an answer on load, then press the next button automatically, though I personally would be concerned about not giving respondents an opportunity to correct their answer if they mis-clicked.

I'll work out the JavaScript a bit later today.
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
> @AnthonyR said:
> This could be done fairly easily with some JavaScript to check for an answer on load, then press the next button automatically, though I personally would be concerned about not giving respondents an opportunity to correct their answer if they mis-clicked.
> I'll work out the JavaScript a bit later today.

This should do what you need:

if($$('.q-checked').length > 0){

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