Is it possible to create a pop up survey before and after participants watch a video? | XM Community
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A bit of context, I am attempting to conduct a qualitative study with a pre and post survey format that is powered through qualtrics. The idea is for me to assess the participants knowledge before and after watching an educational explainer video, then compare the results.

A few questions have come up:

1. Is it possible to create a pop up survey before and after participants watch a video?

2. If yes, is there a video format that works best to embed the surveys in?

3. Any other tips as to how I could achieve this?

I read some things about iFrames on the community page but I am unclear if that would be applicable to my scenario. I am new to qualtrics and really appreciate any help that you can provide!

Thank you
Where would the video be hosted? Or do you mean having a survey that has a video and then popping up a survey when it's over?

If the latter, you might consider the solution I posted here using a YouTube video:

Essentially you would only have one survey. The first set of questions would be your pre, then you would have a question on its own page that shows the video, and then after that page, automatically go to the next page to answer the Post questions.

To automatically go to the next page, you would add `jQuery('#NextButton').click()` to the `finished()` function. Additionally, you could hide the next button by adding `#Buttons {visibility:hidden;}` to the CSS of that page, perhaps between `<style>` tags, essentially assuring yourself that they watch the video.
Thank you very much!

I hadn't thought of embedding the video into the survey, but that appears to be a great option to achieve a forced completion of the surveys in sequential order with the video.

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