Loop & Merge - Custom validation comparing drop-down responses within each loop | XM Community
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I’m looking to validate times entered within a loop and merge block with each loop (so if it passes on one loop, it can still fail later and ask to adjust times).


Collecting times from a drop down matrix table with a ‘start’ and ‘end’ time. I’ve also created recodes to turn all the times into base 10 (9:00 am = 9, 1:30 pm = 13.5, etc).


I can get the first loop to validate correctly with this:


The comparison value is the piped recode value of the “end time” drop down.


But then if I try to add conditions for the other loops, the validation doesn’t work.


I’ve tried both new logic sets and integrated logic sets.

Separate Logic
Integrated Logic




Ha! Fixed my own problem, missed the piped text option for ‘current’ loop. Using that as the target on a current loop condition and it all works out.

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