Make drag/drop box height = # of choices plus one | XM Community
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Hi. I would like the drag and drop height to always be equal to the number of choices PLUS one blank space. It requires some dexterity for instance, to place a 5th choice at the bottom of a box that is the right height for four choices.

How can I do this? JavaScript or CSS? If so, any code snippet would be greatly appreciated!
Hi @Tom_R!

It looks like you may be asking about custom programming/code. We actually have a Developer Corner in the community that is reserved for these types of questions. Therefore, I have moved your question to that section instead so coders and programmers are more likely to answer your question.

P.S. They might assume that you already have a basic knowledge of programming and how to integrate it into Qualtrics. If you do not, we recommend checking out W3Schools and our pages on Adding Custom CSS and Adding JavaScript to get a basic understanding!
Thanks Emily!

I think you can just make the bottom padding on the Groups the same height as a choice. For example:


.Skin .PGR .DragAndDrop td.groupsContainerTd div > div {padding-bottom: 25px}

I agree with @TomG - Padding is your best bet here since it maintains the same attributes for being a `.droppable()` section of the page

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