Media playing a limited number of times | XM Community
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Hi all,

I asked Qualtrics support whether it was possible to limit the number of times a media file is played. They responded saying that Qualtrics does not have a feature for that, but maybe with a specific programming syntax that could be possible. Could anyone help me with this?

We are developing a placement test for Portuguese and our students should not watch/listen to the same media file more than twice.

Many, many thanks in advance.

Susana Correia
You could set the media to autoplay, and then use the timing question type to auto-advance the user after it's duration? Eg 8 second video autoplays when loaded and user automatically gets sent to the next page after 10 seconds.

Thanks a lot.

I am trying to work around the problem with autoplay mode but there seems to be another issue: the sound appears doubled when I play it. Anyone knows who to fix this?

Also, if you right-click on your mouse button, you are able to choose 'shown controls' and 'download' in preview mode and, therefore, anyone doing the survey can play/pause de media file and download it.

Again, anyone knows how to fix this?

Thank you very much in advance.
@Susana_Correia1979 Do you have a test survey you could share to demonstrate this?
Yes. Please check block CO_Q_B1, question CO_Video_B1 in preview mode.

This was the original code (no autoplay):

Veja o vídeo que se segue.<br>

  <video class="qmedia" controlslist="no download" controls="true" height="300" preload="auto" width="500"><source src="" type="video/mp4"><embed align="middle" autoplay="false" bgcolor="white" class="qmedia" controller="true" height="300" pluginspage="" src="" type="video/quicktime" width="500"/></video>

This is the changed code (autoplay mode):

Veja o vídeo que se segue.<br>

  <video class="qmedia" controlslist="no download" autoplay="true" height="300" preload="auto" width="500"><source src="" type="video/mp4"><embed align="middle" bgcolor="white" class="qmedia" controller="true" height="300" pluginspage="" src="" type="video/quicktime" width="500"/></video>

This is really weird because I exported the block to the library (my intention was to send you the block only), but then there was no problem with the video. So, the problem with the sound only occurs if you are previewing the question in the survey.

Also, any idea on how to prevent 'download' and 'show controls' with the right button of the mouse?

It would be great if you could help me, because this is the only way I have to solve the problem of not getting to play the media file a limited number of times.

Thank you very much!
See _ for instructions on disabling right click.
Hey @Susana_Correia1979! When you are previewing the survey, you'll actually hear the video play in both the desktop and mobile view, which makes it sounds like it is playing twice!

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